
Peer-Reviewed Academic Publications

[28] T. Ochiai, J. C. Nacher, “Determining cellular lineage directed networks in hematopoiesis using single-cell
transcriptomic data and volatility-constrained correlation”
(submitted to Biosystems)

[27] T. Ochiai, J. C. Nacher, “Unveiling the directional network behind financial statements data using volatility constraint correlation”,
Physica A: Volume 600, 127534, 12 pages (2022)

[26] Teppei Matsubara, Tomoshiro Ochiai,| Morihiro Hayashida, Tatsuya Akutsu and Jose C. Nacher, “Convolutional neural network approach to lung cancer classification integrating protein interaction network and gene expression profiles”
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2019) 1940007 (11 pages)

[25] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “VC correlation analysis on the overnight and daytime return in Japanese stock market”
Physica A, Volume 515, 537-545 (2019)

[24] R. Wakai, M. Ishitsuka, T. Kishimoto, T. Ochiai, J. C. Nacher, “Identification of genes and critical control proteins associated with inflammatory breast cancer using network controllability”,
PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186353 (2017)

[23] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, “Analytical solution for the size of the minimum dominating set in complex networks”,
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, Volume 08, 1750005 (2017)

[22] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “Predicting link directionality in gene regulation from gene expression profiles using volatility-constrained correlation”,
Biosystems, Volume 145, 9–18 (2016)

[21] Y.Y. Liu*, J.C. Nacher*, T. Ochiai*, M. Martino and Y. Altshuler, “Prospect Theory for Online Financial Trading”,
PLoS ONE 9(10): e109458 (2014)
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

[20] T. Ochiai, H. Takada, J.C. Nacher, “Quantifying the behavior of price dynamics at opening time in stock market”,
Physica A, Volume 413, 534–543 (2014)

[19] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “Volatility-constrained correlation identifies the directionality of the influence between Japan’s Nikkei 225 and other financial markets”,
Physica A, Volume 393, 364–375 (2014)

[18] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, “Foreign exchange market data analysis reveals statistical features that predict price movement acceleration”,
Physical Review E, 85, 056118, 7 pages (2012)

[17] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher , “A model for the dynamic behavior of financial assets affected by news: The case of Tohoku–Kanto earthquake”,
Physics Letters A, Volume 375, Issue 41, 3552–3556 (2011)

[16] J.C. Nacher . T. Ochiai, “Plus–minus construction leads to perfect invisibility”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 012903, 17pages (2011)

[15] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “On the construction of complex networks with optimal Tsallis entropy”,
Physica A, Volume 388, Issue 23, 4887-4892 (2009)

[14] J.C. Nacher , T. Ochiai, M. Hayashida and T. Akutsu, “A mathematical model for generating bipartite graphs and its application to protein networks”,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42, 485005, 10 pages (2009)

[13] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, “Power-law distribution of gene expression fluctuations”,
Physics Letters A, Volume 372, Issue 40, 6202-6206 (2008)

[12] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “Stochastic analysis of autoregulatory gene expression dynamics”,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Volume 14, Issue 4, 377-388 (2008)

[11] T. Ochiai, U. Leonhardt and J.C. Nacher, “A novel design of dielectric perfect invisibility devices”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 032903, 13pages (2008)

[10] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, “Transcription and noise in negative feed-back loops”,
Biosystems, Volume 91, Issue 1, 76-82 (2008)

[9] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher and T. Akutsu, “Emergence of the self-similar property in gene expression dynamics”,
Physica A, Volume 382, Issue 2, 739-752 (2007)

[8] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, T. Yamada, M. Kanehisa and T. Akutsu “The role of log-normal dynamics in the evolution of biochemical pathways”,
Biosystems, Volume 83, Issue 1, 26-37 (2006)

[7] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, T. Akutsu, “A stochastic approach to multi-gene expression dynamics”,
Physics Letters A, Volume 339, Issues 1-2, 1-9 (2005)

[6] J.C. Nacher, T. Ochiai, T. Akutsu, “On the relation between fluctuation and scaling-law in gene expression time series from yeast to human”,
Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 19, No. 23, 1169-1177 (2005)

[5] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, “Inversible Max-Plus algebras and integrable systems”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46, 063507, 17pages (2005)

[4] T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher, T. Akutsu, “A Constructive Approach to Gene Expression Dynamics”,
Physics Letters A, Volume 330, Issue 5, 313-321 (2004)

[3] T. Ochiai, “Invariants of plane curves and Polyak-Viro type formulas”,
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Vol.11, 155-175 (2004)

[2] T. Ochiai, “A direct derivation of polynomial invariants from perturbative Chern-Simons gauge theory”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.44, No.10, 4514-4526 (2003)

[1] T. Ochiai, “The combinatorial Gauss diagram formula for Kontsevich integral”,
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol.10, No.6, 851-906 (2001)